Recently we started selling basic beekeeping equipment. We started out with the basic equipment a new beekeeper would need, and are expanding from there. We will be expanding our stock and if there's something you don't see, contact us and we can probably get it for you. If you're anywhere near Medina we can help you save on shipping costs or a trip to a far away supply house. Prices are subject to change at any time, therefore the prices listed here may not be up to date.
We are taking orders for packaged bees: Italian/Buckfast Hybrid 3# package includes a mated queen ................................................ $166 These bees are available 4/12/25 Queen Marking ............................................................................................................................ $6 Three Band Italian (Hippy Bees) ................................................................................................ $166 These bees are available 4/26/25 Call between 10:00 AM and 9:00 PM
Queen Bees
These are mated, laying Italian queens. I will put a small dot of paint on her back for a fee. This is to make her easy to spot and also track her age. Call for availability. Queen....Italian/Buckfast (available with 4/12/25 shipment only....................................... $46 Three Band Italian (available starting 4/26/25 through the summer).................. $46
A Nuc is a nucleus hive. With mine you get five frames of drawn comb containing honey, eggs and brood; a mated queen, and plenty of bees. Queen marking is an extra charge. Call for availability. Five frame Nuc..........Ohio Latshaw......................................................Check back for 2024 prices These nucs are from Joe Latshaw's stock. He is a Columbus area beekeeper who selectively breeds bees for mite and nosema resistance, hardiness, honey production, and good temperament.
It isn't guaranteed that nucs will be available this year, however we would be happy to put you on a waiting list.
Beginning Hive Kit, 10 Frame Contains screened bottom board, inner cover, telescoping cover, two deep hive bodies, 20 deep frames, two medium supers, 20 medium frames, entrance reducer, and wax foundation in all frames. Kit comes completely assembled and is available painted or bare wood. Beginning Hive Kit.................................................................................................................$342.00 Beginning Hive Kit, Painted White.......................................................................................$377.00 Same as above but contains five mediums total, no deeps. The advantages are all the equipment is interchangeable and there's no heavy deeps to lift. Beginning Hive Kit, medium boxes .................................................................................... $394.00 Beginning Hive Kit, Medium Painted White .......................................................................$429.00 Beginning Hive Kit, 8 Frame Same equipment as the ten frame kit except for the size. Eight frame hive bodies are lighter and easier to move around, providing a solution for people with lifting restrictions. It also more closely mimics the bees' natural environment- a narrow tree trunk. Some beekeepers also report that the bees overwinter better in eight frame hives. Beginning Eight Frame Kit.....................................................................................................$307.20 Beginning Eight Frame Kit, Painted White...........................................................................$342.20 The medium kit contains five medium supers and no deeps. This helps even more with lifting, and standardizes all your equipment. Beginning Eight Frame Kit, Medium.....................................................................................$323.00 Beginning Eight Frame Kit, Medium, Painted White...........................................................$358.00
Screened Bottom Board This bottom board helps with varroa control and monitoring and gives the bees ventilation to assist with evaporating water out of the nectar to speed up honey production. The landing bottom board has an angled front porch for the bees to take off and land. Not sure how much it helps the bees, but it sure looks cool. Standard Bottom Board.............................................................................................................................$22.00 Standard Bottom Board, Painted...............................................................................................................$27.00
Inner Cover This goes under the outer cover. Features include an oval center hole for feeding, ventilation, and inserting a bee escape; also a notch at one end for an upper entrance. Inner Cover.................................................................................................................................................$14.00 Inner Cover, Painted...................................................................................................................................$15.00
Telescoping Cover This is the roof for your beehive. It is sturdy and has sheet metal that folds down over the sides for added protection. Telescoping Cover......................................................................................................................................$26.00 Telescoping Cover, Painted........................................................................................................................$31.00
Deep Super Kit, Assembled and Painted, Wax Foundation These supers are given two coats with a durable outdoor paint. They come assembled with ten frames containing wax wire foundation. It's a good idea to have an extra one on hand to alleviate overcrowding or swap out with a super full of honey. Deep super kit, contains ten frames.....................................................................................$73.00 Deep super Kit, painted.........................................................................................................$78.00 Deep super.............................................................................................................................$27.00 Deep super, painted...............................................................................................................$32.00 Deep Frames, Assembled........................................................................................................$4.60
Medium Super Kit, Assembled and Painted, Wax Foundation These supers are given two coats with a durable outdoor paint. They come assembled with ten frames containing wax wire foundation. It's a good idea to have an extra one on hand to alleviate overcrowding or swap out with a super full of honey. Medium super kit, contains ten frames................................................................................$66.00 Medium super kit, painted....................................................................................................$71.00 Medium super.........................................................................................................................$25.00 Medium super, painted..........................................................................................................$30.00 Medium frames, assembled.....................................................................................................$4.10
Triangle Escape Board This fits a ten frame hive. Simply insert between honey supers and brood boxes, seal off upper entrance, and come back the next day to remove your honey. The bees can get out of the triangle but can't find their way back in. Can also be used with a fume board for quicker results. Triangle Escape Board...........................................................................................................$19.50
Hive Top Feeder This is a wooden feeder that sits on top of the inner cover. It has two compartments for liquid or dry feed, and comes with floats to reduce drowning. This is your best feeder when the weather gets too cold for the bees to go down to an entrance feeder. Hive Top Feeder, Eight or Ten Frame, Wooden ............................................................................................$29.00 Hive Top Feeder, Eight or Ten Frame Painted, Wooden ..............................................................................$34.00
Pollen Trap These come in eight or ten frame versions. The front has a door so you can turn the pollen trap on or off as needed. The collection drawer can be set up to operate on either side of the trap. The trapped pollen is very clean and about 70% of incoming pollen is collected from the foragers. Pollen Trap, Eight or Ten Frame ............................................................................................$80.00 Pollen Trap, Eight or Ten Frame Painted ...............................................................................$85.00
Beginning Hive Tool Kit
Kit contains smoker, 1# smoker fuel, frame lifter hive tool, bee brush, pail feeder, pollen patty, gloves, hat & veil, 12oz Honey Bee Healthy. Items may not match those in picture. Beginning Hive Tool Kit..........................................................................................................$177.25
Boardman Feeder This is a simple entrance feeder that utilizes a mason jar that has a lid with very small holes punched in it. The bees walk into the wooden part and feed on the sugar solution with minimal mess and drowning. Mason jar not included. Boardman Feeder......................................................................................................................$6.00 Mason Jar, Pint...........................................................................................................................$1.00 Mason Jar, Quart........................................................................................................................$1.25
Extraction & Harvesting Equipment
Four Frame Compact Extractor The 18/10 stainless steel, 22-gauge tank, is 16" in diameter and 23" tall. This extractor comes with legs. The metal gears crank easily due to their 3:1 cranking ratio. The extractor will handle 4 shallow (5 3/8"), 4 medium (6 1/4"), or two deep frames (9 1/8") each time you extract. Four Frame Extractor.............................................................................................................$375.00 Two Frame Economy Extractor, Plastic................................................................................$220.00
Bee Escape This is a simple tool that fits into the hole in your inner cover. Bees pass through and can't get back into the honey supers. Best when used with a fume board. Plastic Bee Escape......................................................................................................................$4.25
Capping Scratcher Perfect for removing cappings that the knife just can't reach, or for the beekeeper with only one or two hives. This tool has a thick handle for a better grip and less strain on your hand. Capping Scratcher......................................................................................................................$9.50
Cold Knife The Cold Knife is perfect for those that have under 10 colonies. The blade is 1-7/8" wide and is very thin with serrated edges. The 11" blade allows you to uncap easily. It is so sharp there is no need to heat. The offset wooden handle gives you a good grip and lots of maneuverability. Cold Knife...............................................................................................................................$28.00
Honey Gate This is a standard size 1-1/2" gate that attaches to a five gallon bucket for filtering and bottling your honey. It is made of durable plastic with a gasket to prevent leakage. Plastic Honey Gate..................................................................................................................$15.50
Natural Honey Harvester This is a natural blend of oils with no toxic chemicals to hurt your girls. Use this with a fume board, or simply spray a towel and lay over the top of the hive to drive the bees out of the honey supers. Works well with our bee escapes. If this particular product is out of stock, we will have a similar product to replace it. Natural Honey Harvester, 8oz spray bottle....................................................................................................$20.00
Gaughan Bee Dancin’ 2022 Beekeeping Sales Brochure Please reference the following information until I can get the website properly updated. Thank you for your patience.
Characteristics of Italian Bees: Less likely to swarm, docile, good honey producers, use less propolis, prone to rob & drift, large colonies, queen lays all summer causing a large amount of stores used for brood, extended period of brood rearing, & consumes honey surplus if not removed immediately after honey flow stops. Characteristics of Buckfast Bees: Winter well, low consumption of winter stores, disease & tracheal mite resistant, good honey producers, less likely to swarm, rapid spring population build up, gentle, moderately defensive, little burr comb & inclined to rob. Catalog Price Effective on Revision Date 3/10/2022 & subject to change without notice. We accept cash, checks & money orders. Make checks payable to: Evona Gaughan
Beginning Tool Kit Smoker Smoker Fuel 1# Frame Lifter Hive Tool Bee Brush Gloves Hat & Veil Drawstring Pail Feeder Pollen Patty (contains Honey B Healthy) Carbohydrate (Winter) Patty (Contains Honey B Healthy) Dry Brood Builder Powder Super DFM Probiotic (single treatment) Honey Bee Healthy 12oz. Beginning Hive Kit Tools Total…………………$177.25 Beginning Woodenware Hive Kit 10 Frame Kit 2 Deeps & 2 Mediums Screen Bottom Board W/ Pan Inner Cover Telescoping (Outer) Cover 2 Deep Supers 20 Deep Frames W/Wax Foundation 2 Medium Supers 20 Medium Frames W/Wax Foundation Entrance Reducer (Wood) 10 Frame Unfinished….$342.00 Painted White…$377.00 10 Frame Kit 5 Mediums Screen Bottom Board W/ Pan Inner Cover Telescoping (Outer) Cover 5 Medium Supers 50 Medium Frames W/Wax Foundation Entrance Reducer (Wood) 10 Frame Unfinished.………$394.00White...….…$429.00 8 Frame Kit 2 Deeps & 2 Mediums Screen Bottom Board W/ Pan Inner Cover Telescoping (Outer) Cover 2 Deep Supers 16 Deep Frames W/Wax Foundation 2 Medium Supers 16 Medium Frames W/Wax Foundation Entrance Reducer (Wood) 8 Frame Unfinished ….……$307.20 White…….…$342.20 8 Frame Kit 5 Mediums Screen Bottom Board W/ Pan Inner Cover Telescoping (Outer) Cover 5 Medium Supers 40 Medium Frames W/Wax Foundation Entrance Reducer (Wood) 8 Frame 5 Medium …..….$323.00White………....$358.00 Beginners Kit Woodenware & Tools Price reflects $5.00 discount for purchasing as one kit. 10 Frame 2 Deeps & 2 Mediums…………………..$514.75 10 Frame painted white………………………….…$549.75 10 Frame 5 Mediums………………………….…...$569.75 10 Frame 5 Mediums painted white………………..$604.75 8 Frame 2 Deeps & 2 Mediums…………………....$479.95 8 Frame painted white…………………….………..$514.95 8 Frame 5 Mediums………………………….….....$495.75 8 Frame 5 Mediums painted white………………....$530.75
WOODENWARE 10 FRAME & 8 FRAME ALL PAINT IS WHITE Screen Bottom Board unfinished...$22.00... painted…..$27.00 Inner Cover unfinished ……...$14.00….. painted……...$15.00 Telescoping Cover unfinished.$26.00…. painted……...$31.00 Deep Super unfinished……... $27.00…... painted …….$32.00 Deep Super Frame W/ Wax Foundation…..………….....$4.60 Deep Wax Wired Foundation W/Hook………..………..$1.70 Medium Super unfinished…...$25.00…... painted…......$30.00 Medium Super Frame W/ Wax Foundation…..………….$4.10 Medium Wax Wired Foundation W/ Hooks …………….$1.50 Medium Frame Cut Comb Foundation (non wired)…….$3.75 Cut Comb Foundation (non wired)………………….…..$1.00 Shallow unfinished ………..$23.00 painted……………$28.00 Shallow Frame W/ Wax Foundation ……………………$3.75 Support Pins for Wax Foundation each..$0.10 bag…… $10.00 Entrance Reducer (Wood)……………………………….$2.00 Imirie Shim unfinished .…….$5.00…..... painted….…...$6.00 Slatted Rack 9 & 10 frame unfinished $18.00..painted ..$20.00 Pollen Trap unfinished ….....$80.00….….painted……..$85.00 Nuc Deep Kit with frames ……………………………..$85.00 HIVE ACCESSORIES Smoker………………………………………..………...$39.00 Smoker Fuel 1#................................................................$3.75 Frame Lifter Hive Tool………………………………...$15.50 Prybar Hive Tool ………………………………….…….$8.50 Frame Grip…………………………………….………..$12.00 Bee Brush…………………………………………….....$7.00 Frame Rest Repair (2)……………………………..…....$0.75 Nine Frame Metal Spacer (2)…………………………..$1.50 Frame Perch (for hive inspections).……………….……$26.00 Insulated Hive Wrap…………………………….….…..$28.00 Queen Excluder Metal………………………….……….$13.00 Queen Excluder Wood Trim.$19.00 painted….……......$20.00 Propolis Trap 10 Frame…………………………..…......$8.00 Swarm Lure Tube………………………………………..$6.00 HONEYBEE HEALTH & NUTRITION Honey B Healthy 1 Gallon……$140.00 12oz…..…......$24.00 Amino B Booster 12 oz………………………………...$24.50 Super DFM Probiotic Single…...$3.00 10 treatment…..$22.00 Spring Pollen Patty W/ Honey B Healthy….……..….…$4.00 Dry Powder Brood Builder 1#...........................................$5.00 Winter Carbohydrate Patty W/ Honey B Healthy…….…$4.00 Fondant ………………………………………………….$6.00 Hive Top Feeder unfinished….$29.00….. painted…….$34.00 Hive Top Feeder 5 Frame unfinished $27.00...painted...$29.00 Pail Feeder 1 Gallon………………………………….….$9.00 Boardman Feeder w/ lid (jar not included)…………..…..$6.00 Four Jar Feeder w/ lids (jars not included)…………..…$13.75 Jar Feeder Lids………………………………………….$.90 Pint Canning Jar …………………………………………$1.00 Division Board Feeder Deep 1 Gallon…………………..$8.00 Ultimate In Hive Feeder…………………….………….$25.00 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT Beetle Blaster…………………………………………….$2.50 Grease Patties (Nosema, Varroa, Tracheal mites)…….....$8.00 Mouse Guard/Entrance Reducer……………...………….$4.50 Sticky Board 10 & 8 Frame.………………..…….…..….$5.50 Varroa Treatments Drone Comb Frame Plastic Deep... $4.25 ..Medium….....$4.00 Drone Comb Frame Wax Foundation Deep…………..…$5.50 Sticky Board Varroa Count …………………..…………$5.00 Apiguard (Varroa Mites)……………………………..….$4.00 Oxalic Acid (35GM) ……………..………………..…...$9.00 Oxalic Acid Drizzle Kit……...…………………………$18.00 Oxalic Acid Vaporizer………………………………...$135.00 Hop Guard II 24 strips…………………………………$59.00 Formic Pro…………….………………………………..$19.50 Varroa Test Jar …………………………………………$5.00 CLOTHING Wee Bee Gloves………………………………………$26.00 Gloves………………………………………………....$26.00 Hand Measurement Width (W) Palm & Length (L) tip of middle finger to wrist Sm. W 6.75”-7.25” L. 6.75”-7”, Med. W 8”-9” L 7.25”-7.75” Lg. W 9”-10”-L 7.75”-8.25”, XL W 10” +, L 8.25” + Ventilated Helmet ………………………………. ……..$21.00 Veil Draw String (goes W/ Ventilated Helmet)……….. $17.00 Clear Vue Hat & Veil Zip………………………..…….$59.00 Clear Vue Hat & Veil Tie……….……………………..$56.00 Domed Hood Zip…………………………………….....$36.00 Master Beekeeper Suit (takes zip veil)….S-M-L……...$90.00 Master Beekeeper Suit 1XL-4XL………………..……..$95.00 Coveralls, S-M-L (takes draw string veil)…..……….....$78.00 Coveralls, 1XL-4XL (takes draw string veil)…………..$83.00 Inspector Jacket (takes zip veil) S-M-L………………...$62.00 Inspector Jacket (takes zip veil), 1XL-4XL..……..…….$68.00 Inspector Jacket w Domed Hood ……………………….$98.00 Kids Suit W/ Veil Small & Large………………….......$100.00 Wee Bee Suit 4x Small………………………………….$95.00 HONEY EXTRACTION Fishcer’sBee-Quick, 8oz…………………………….…..$20.00 Triangle Bee Escape unfinished 10 & 8 Frame………...$19.50 Bee Escape………………………………………………$4.25 Capping Scratcher (Fork)…….……………………...….$9.50 Cold Knife……………………………………………....$28.00 Rolling Uncapper……………………………………….$30.00 Electric Uncapping Knife W/ Heat Control…….……..$150.00 Electric Uncapping Knife……………...………………$125.00 Uncapping Plane………………………………...……..$150.00 Yellow Combcapper ..……………………………….....$32.00 (fits over 5 gallon bucket) Holds Deep & Medium Frames Extractor Capping Bag ………………….…………….$18.00 Honey Gate……………………………………………$15.50 Five Gallon Pail with Gate………………………….…$31.00 Plastic Pail Filter 200/400/600 Mesh each………….…$9.00 Food Grade 5 Gallon Honey Bucket……………….….$11.00 Comb Honey Boxes 4 1/8 X 4 1/8………..……….…..$2.50 Fume Board 10 & 8 Frame………………………….…$20.00 Skep Jars……....8oz $.70…......16oz $.90.…......24 oz $1.10 Flip Top Caps ………………………………...…….….$.15 EDUCATION CORNER Wisdom for Beekeepers……………………………...…... $22.00 Honey Bee Diseases & Pests……………………………..$23.00 Cloth Honey Bee Key Chains ……………………..…… $10.00